Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Idea for Free Books

Ladies and gents,

Thanks for sticking in there with me. I know I haven't been around for a few months but I believe I am finally back now. I have a few new entries to add, I really need to update you all on book 2 and the beautiful art that's coming along with it! I really do want to make both books graphic novels but I have to start slowly. It's difficult starting out but I still believe that God has a purpose for these stories. That's why one of my priorities right now is to find a way to distribute these books for free! You heard me - FREE. Now this might just be to start out but right now I really just want to get Beautiful Sun: Boy Craze into the hands of kids, youth, and young adults.

This is a huge cause! This story may help change some kids lives, give them hope and most importantly help them to see Christ. But how do I get these books in large quanities? Lulu.com is the organization currently creating the book format but even I, the author, must purchase each book (at prices I don't really like). So I considered having people donate money for distributing the books - perhaps even sending a certain percentage of the donation to a Christian organization? Do you have any ideas for me? Would you donate if I had an easy online way for you to do so?

Suggestions are really needed, please reply or email me.