Thursday, January 24, 2008

Co-starring Saffire Muube!!

Saffire Muube? I'm sure you are all wondering, what kind of name is that?
Well there is a background to Beautiful Sun. It's beginning (which I'll expand on later) is a web-story called Sunshine Kingdom. And the starring character of that story is Princess Saffire. I like Sapphires (blue being my favorite color) and decided to switch out the p's with f's. This being of no relation or attachment to Prince Safire from the SailorMoon series. I know it looks like it but it isn't. Period. There's nothing else to the name and I don't think there needs to be much talk about it because LOADS of people have strange names and no one asks them about their names much :P

Muube? Well, I just had an idea in my mind that Saffire's heritage was African. Not like the African-Americans that live in America today and have been here for over a 100 years. But African like her great great mother (or somebody) is directly from Africa. Meaning that Saffire's family was never slaves! That's awesome in my mind. At any rate, since I'm not from Africa or know many Africans I made up a last name that sounded African. And it's not "u" like Moo, but "u" like Moe. Is that logical? Probably not Spock-approved logic but it's fantasy so give me a break. And it's not "be" like her name would be Moby, but "bay". So her name is pronounced "Moe-bay". I like it and I hope you do too.

Enough about her name. Who is she? Saffire is a fun-loving teenager who has been pushed down and tucked away. She doesn't express herself like she'd like. Not only is she family-less but she also is bullied at school and teased at "home". Home being Telston Orphanage Community. She's lived there for enough years to know that it's nothing like a real home. It's almost like living on a college campus, but with insecure, psychotic, prankster juneviles who also are struggling with not having moms or dads or, worse, having moms or dads that can't or won't take care of them. Saffire thinks of them as outcasts of the world, and herself being one of the top. She's a bit crazy herself due to years of this treatment. She tends to overthink and overanalyze, strangely enough, not about the right issues. It's an odd teeter-totter that she can't seem to balance. Well she is a teenager and she doesn't have much of any direction. No one counsels her except for her friend Lisa, who doesn't have the slightest idea of the emotional and mental scars that Saffire carries. Lisa is wise but not insightful. She is caring but cynical and at times not as open as Saffire would like. The only other help Saffire has is the Divine.

Saffire knows who the Divine is, that He's God. Saffire only 2 years ago began whole-heartedly seeking the Divine for help. But she doesn't know enough about Him to know what He wants of her. She knows that He controls her destiny but she's not sure how much. She also knows that He took her parents away, but she's not sure why or if that makes Him evil. She believes He's good, remembering things her grandmother used to teach her, but she just can't see what all this adds up to. So she's trying to find out. What she has learned by the time we meet up with her in Boy Craze, leads her to trust Him. After all, He is her ONLY hope for something good coming out of this crash collision life she's had so far.

She really is the type of girl that you would fall in love with but also be very confused by. Then again, if you were almost friend-less, definitely family-less and treated like dirt, would you make great life decisions?

I think Saffire has a lot more to offer than book 1 shows. I've already started book two and decided it's NOT gonna be a direct continuation to Boy Craze, but I do see Saffire popping up again in the series. I mean, she has to right? See if you agree with my thoughts on Saffire by reading Boy Craze. Download for ONLY $1.50 or buy the paperback you can take with you anywhere. Also get a peak at Saffire in the excerpt from Chapter 1, available on this site.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Introducing Boy Craze: Excerpt from Chapter 1

I know I haven't actually given you much to go on with Beautiful Sun and you've been waiting like years to find out more! Well here's more! Here is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of the book.

Everyone complained, but Mrs. Burnstine didn’t care.
“Life isn’t gravy, you good for nothings,” she’d yelled. She, of course, saw no problem. When she was their age, she had to walk for nearly an hour to get to school and she couldn’t afford the luxury of a car. Now she made sure she could by making the children walk and stuffing the transportation funds into her pocketbook.
But transportation or not, this morning Saffire was destined to be late. She had stayed up half the night studying. But it wasn’t the major test in her science class that she had studied. Saffire usually didn’t study for tests since they were mostly straight from the homework. Most days after school, instead of studying, she would visit the library to get books and surf the Internet to find out more about the Divine. The Divine was also called the Living God.
Saffire’s grandmother was the first to tell her about Him. She said that the Divine was the very essence of love but He was also a Judge. To a four-year old that had just lost her parents, that is a very confusing thing. Which would explain why Saffire immediately forgot about the Divine; her young mind just couldn’t comprehend it. But when she really started to wonder why her life had ended up this way, she remembered what her grandmother told her and decided to find out more.
The library was a good source for finding things out about Him. But with all the cookbooks, chat rooms, and magazines she found herself too distracted and going home many days having found out nothing at all. But yesterday she had determined not to let this happen because no matter how distracted she became, she truly wanted to know the Divine’s plan for her life so she could follow it.
She finally hit the jackpot with a book called “The Divine’s Purpose for Life”. But by the time she found it, it was already late and the library was closing. Once back in her room, she was forced to listen to the ramblings Laurean and Shayla, with the occasional support of Kaitlin going unseen by the two. But eventually they went to sleep and Saffire was able to focus entirely on the book. She made notes upon notes, writing late into the night.
Falling asleep right on top of the book, Saffire’s mind still raced with theories and theologies. After a short time the ideas in her head came together in a dream and took the form of a person, a person that cared for her. She couldn’t see who it was, but she heard a voice talking to her. It was a mumble at first, then the sound grew, but still she didn’t know what was said. Saffire looked around in the darkness, trying to find the voice.
“Where are you?”
“Right here,” the voice said. Saffire couldn’t tell from where the voice was coming.
“Help me. I don’t want to be alone in the dark.” Saffire said.
“You never were alone. Wake up and you shall see me.” The voice said softly.Saffire felt her eyes open, not by choice. Her heart was beating slightly faster than normal. Then she realized she had been dreaming. She lifted her face from her book noticing the time. As the page, which had been pressed into her cheek, peeled off, there came a knock on her door.
She became scared, her dream still being eerily vivid. Saffire sat still staring at the door in anticipation. The door creaked open slowly, and it was Burnstine.
“Saffire.” “Ye, yes Mrs. Burnstine.” Saffire felt herself now shaking.

So tell me! What do you think? Interesting? Lame? Wanting more? What type of person do you see Saffire as so far? Probably not very many opinions on that, seeing that she isn't viewed from too many angles yet. But that's ok, I'll be posting about Saffire soon. She's really me y'know O_O ^_^

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Violet Eyes - the real review

Well y'know how I said Violet Eyes was SO GOOD? I was mistaken. It's okay. I mean it, the ending of a book can really steer how a reader sees the entire piece. Not to be an expert on the matter, I mean I am still a writer in progress. As a matter of fact, I hope that my work is more than naught. But really, if you see things the way I do, you'll probably want to read the sequel, Silver Eyes. I do want to read it. But also, if you see things the way I do, you'll probably think to yourself, "Wow if this book made it through the publishing process, Beautiful Sun should have no problem being successful."

Now don't get me wrong. The first 6 chapters of the book is very addicting. She does have a good hook. But there are just certain things that never meet together, besides the few (truly just a few) randomly placed sentences. I do have to admit, the whole thing with Wendy and Angel spending the night together, and the short conversation at the end of chapter 1 fit very nicely (once you've gotten thru chapter 12 or 13 it finally makes sense). But come on! If someone was super-human, perfectly intelligent - perfectly, how could a mere human match in smarts, wit or logic? Sometimes that really made me sick in the read of this book. It was like reading about how Superman was beat down by Billy Blanks or Hulk Hogan. I mean, in his day Hulk Hogan could've beat down most average guys because he was trained y'know. But honestly, he would've been no match for superhuman (alien actually) Superman. Even in his prime. Well I had this type of thought reading through those last chapters. Especially since I couldn't see anywhere how Michelangelo had shown any extraordinary intelligence (or extraordinary anything else) during the story.

One other thing that began to get on my nerves and I had to leave siding with Angel for 2 seconds and I sided with Mike on this - who could you believe? There was a lot of story cover up and I began to wonder, how do you trust anyone? Everyone was lying or had a hidden motive. I didn't know who to really believe, which I admit, made the mystery of the book very enticing. Yet, it got to a point where you began to wonder why were they doing what they were doing? Why did they care? They could've just escaped.

Overall, I still think it was a good book in an okay sort of way. If you are willing to suspend your belief in several instances and hold tightly to the loveable characters they are introduced as in chapters 1-7, you'll get through the book fine. The story is very varied which helps things to never get dull. And if you like mystery, it'll be all the more entertaining for you. But just don't get too comfortable with how the book begins because the setting and atmosphere created disappears and there is a change in the type of story you are reading. Which if it was a movie, I think would've been great. The plot is very well put together but yes, there are places where it seemed like the author forgot to say something so perhaps she was like "oh I'll just drop this here". lol - sounds like something I am guilty of doing a lot in my book too... but then again maybe not! It's hard for me to judge. So why don't you judge for me? DOWNLOAD STORY HERE.

Violet Eyes was certainly good enough to spark some thoughts in my mind about Boy Craze’s plot. Last entry I decided that my book is a fairly simple read with a pointed plot. Book 2 though could vary and include several storylines or at least one more. But I wasn’t sure what to do and I wanted to do something with Shawn. But I need help! Comment and let me know of some plot that would involve Shawn Tanaze. Perhaps one of you would give me something to go on; something that may very well change Book 2 back to a Shawn story! So Comment Comment Comment.

If I've sparked your interest about Violet Eyes by Nicole Luiken, you can probably find it at your local library or check out

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

All Eyes on Beautiful Sun

Been reading Violet Eyes by Nicole Luiken. So GOOD!! But I really am ticked off at the unnecessary use of God's name starting somewhere around chapter 11, 12 or so. It's probably 4x's so far and I'm on chapter 16. There are only 19 chapters in the book. I figure, compared to my book, this books chapters are longer in general. Also, I was considering the story development. With Boy Craze, the story develops but I guess not extremely... it just ... continues.

While with VE, the story changes quite a bit and goes from the first few chapters of the main character, Angel, completely disliking her co-star to falling in love with him. Then (STOP READING HERE, MAYBE SOME GIVEAWAYS BUT I TRY TO STAY GENERAL) somehow they end up being teamed up for badminton, and soon we find out about the whole Sci-Fi aspect. After that we have some inclusion of a probable family disruption (well I guess that's at the same time). It goes to the escape and we get a turnabout in events, Sci-Fi becomes futuristic then twists more to include assassination. A calm, a kidnapping, Angel is now alone, but wittily gets everyone on her side. She flips the high school upside-down and we now understand how/why the town is a "museum". She gets captured, betrayal? and then...I don't know because I had to put it down for now. I'll finish it tomorrow but still, think of all of those lovely plot twists and turns. Though there is an occasional random sentence or illogical event, overall it's good. Now this makes me think of several things I should do with my books.

Boy Craze did not have a lot of back and forth or other plot lines that suddenly match up later on. It's a fairly simple read and pointed. Book 2 though could have more than 1 train of thought. The main train is the girl and the mother and Zion (HA! I AGAIN STAY GENERAL, WELL IT IS BOOK 2 :p MOST OF YOU HAVEN'T READ BOOK 1! SO GO READ IT, DOWNLOAD IT HERE). There could be a second train, I guess. What though? Hm, maybe the girl could be Saffire's grandmother!! Then there would have to be a reference to Saffire in the book and why the order went as such.
Personal note (since you don't know the characters): Somehow they could solve what happened to Mara as a child and stop her from being crazy, end the curse, or destroy the evil. But I may not do that. Hee... I know, I'm such a tease. Yet there are many things that could go on while the main storyline is moving. Perhaps...
Perhaps the mother could be an ancestor of Shawn!!
Yes, then mayhaps, Book 3 could be on Shawn, as I always wanted book 2 to be.

It is true, I wanted Book 2 of the series to be about Shawn from Book 1. Shawn Tanaze is introduced in chapter 9 of Boy Craze. He becomes the obstacle that I mention on the back of the book. He's a very arrogant but somehow, loveable character that just oozes self-seeking. However, there is a lot more to Shawn than I'm able to explain or show in book 1. So I wanted to give his story in book 1 and develop him further. But it changed because I just couldn't get my thoughts going on a plot that made sense and that I could write well. Hey, why don't you guys tell me plotlines about Shawn that you'd like to read!? That would be fun, and perhaps one of you would give me something to go on; something that may very well change Book 2 back to a Shawn story. O_O How awesome would that be? And more so, if I were to name YOU as the rhyme behind the reason! You cannot tell me that would not be cool. I want the series to be about the individual characters, not necessarily one flowing storyline. However, there could be a larger storyline that engulfs all the books. I haven't thought that far ahead at the moment, so any suggestions would be taken seriously.

Comment! Tell me your thoughts about the characters and if Book 2 should star Shawn Tanaze!