Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rose's Story


When I was a teenager I started to go down the wrong road and became, what I call, hypnotized into the things of this world. My heart was focused more on friendships, boys, and getting people to like me. I believe all teenagers go through this on some level - the want for acceptance. But my continual failed attempts eventually sent me into depression, suicidal thoughts, and an anti-social attitude. I didn't hate myself or others, but I felt dark. I now realize it was because I was pulling away from God. In a sense it might have also been God pulling me to a place where I had nothing else BUT Him and if that hadn't been the case, I would have continued on grappling for acceptance.

The depression drove me to near hopelessness. I knew only God could help me, if He was really there, I mean if He was REALLY REAL and truly did love me as He said in the Bible. So I cried out to Him and begged for Him to change things, to save me if He cared. I'm not quite sure what happened, but soon, that same hour, I wasn't as sad anymore. Slowly I became preoccupied with knowing and hearing from Him and things I thought mattered, mattered less and less. Well nothings perfect, I bounced in my walk of faith many times after that, but God always took me back.

Sometime in college I began writing fiction stories, always wanting them to be a picture of God and how He works in our lives. My desire to write grew intensely for a while. Now the desire is like a river that sometimes ebbs but usually flows, displaying God's love, especially to youth.


M. Rose Barnett currently lives in Missouri, USA with her husband, who is also a writer for the Lord.
She follows Christ, holding on to the truths presented in the Holy Bible. Rose writes a lot about those truths and how they impact us.
She began journaling regularly as a teen, having a need to express her thoughts, and also wanting to leave her mark in the world. Although she has a college degree in business, she feels driven to teach theology through counseling, mentoring, and writing.

  • A successful online weblog (via Livejournal) for 4 years
  • Published a fantasy, web-story called the "Sunshine Kingdom" 2002-2004
  • Became a Columnist for AnimeAngels Mangazine and published the articles, "What is Christian Anime?" and "Do you want a Revolution: What is so Revolutionary about Utena?" 2004
  • Became Managing Editor of AnimeAngels Mangazine 2004-2005
  • Wrote other articles (mostly for Christian teens), short stories and wrote website content for 3 starter sites 2003-2005
  • Published Beautiful Sun: Boy Craze (Christian modern fiction story) 2007

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