Saturday, November 24, 2007

What's new with the book?

I just finished working on a character profile for my newest book. I can't give you the details yet, it's too early in the stages but I worked on just her background for like 30 minutes. It amazes me how I can just sit down and type up a person. They are just missing the breath of God (well I guess that's all they are missing!). I don't want God to give this person breath by far - she's too freaky scary! lol. I'm really excited about this next book too because it's not as kiddish as Boy Craze...not that that's bad. Boy Craze is happy-go-lucky, crazy fun and more anime-ish. This Beautiful Sun volume 2 will be quite different but still a modern fantasy. I cannot say urban though (more at 11 ^_~).

Wow, I am so happy Beautiful Sun volume 1 is bout out on the market! I've worked on the proof copy and I just have to get a new proof and make sure that's ok. I have a few people that are really ready for it but am I? I just can't believe it in a sense. It'd be perfect to see it on something like

Luke's been writing for 2 days straight now (besides sleep) and I'm so proud of him for that. He's knocking out whole chapters now. Well, I guess he better if he's really gonna be done by next summer. I wonder if I'll beat him with volume 2! That would be really tight for sure.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Beautiful Sun: The Series


The moment everyone's been waiting for (especially Saffire!), the release of Beautiful Sun: Boy Craze!

At the age of 4 her parents died. At the age of 5 her grandmother died. Now 16 and stuck in an orphanage Saffire somehow continues hoping on the only Power she feels can save her, though peer pressure and the head mistress of Telston Orphanage Community is pushing her even away from this. That is until a "holy" boy shows up, claiming to be her older brother. But he keeps looking at her in strange ways and acts more in love than he's admitting to. His over-protective and boyfriend-like behavior becomes a problem when a new student enrolls at school. See how it all unravels in Beautiful Sun: Boy Craze. Now available on, soon to be available on Google Reader, and Barnes & Noble

Currently you can purchase the e-book (pdf version) for only $1.50!!

SAMPLE from page 49
"You should come skate."
"You know I can't skate."
"I know, but you should still come. I don't mind if you fall on me." He smiled then put out his hand. Saffire smiled. Beginning to blush she put her hand in his but instantly felt a twinge in her gut. It was as if something was pulling, poking, and prodding her conscience. Her eyes sought the source and were drawn to the doorway of the Hot Spot on the opposite side of the rink. There her eyes locked directly into Zion's stare and momentarily her eyes began to dry her eyes out. She blinked as if grasping for air as she felt William creating a firm grip on her hand. She looked at him while he put his free arm around her waist and escorted her to the skating floor. She smiled towards William but turned back to Zion, curious about the intense sensation she felt. But this time when she looked Zion was not looking at her or even standing where she had thought. The drawing had vanished and so had Zion.

Please contact me to get involved in advertising, designing or distributing Beautiful Sun.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rose's Story


When I was a teenager I started to go down the wrong road and became, what I call, hypnotized into the things of this world. My heart was focused more on friendships, boys, and getting people to like me. I believe all teenagers go through this on some level - the want for acceptance. But my continual failed attempts eventually sent me into depression, suicidal thoughts, and an anti-social attitude. I didn't hate myself or others, but I felt dark. I now realize it was because I was pulling away from God. In a sense it might have also been God pulling me to a place where I had nothing else BUT Him and if that hadn't been the case, I would have continued on grappling for acceptance.

The depression drove me to near hopelessness. I knew only God could help me, if He was really there, I mean if He was REALLY REAL and truly did love me as He said in the Bible. So I cried out to Him and begged for Him to change things, to save me if He cared. I'm not quite sure what happened, but soon, that same hour, I wasn't as sad anymore. Slowly I became preoccupied with knowing and hearing from Him and things I thought mattered, mattered less and less. Well nothings perfect, I bounced in my walk of faith many times after that, but God always took me back.

Sometime in college I began writing fiction stories, always wanting them to be a picture of God and how He works in our lives. My desire to write grew intensely for a while. Now the desire is like a river that sometimes ebbs but usually flows, displaying God's love, especially to youth.


M. Rose Barnett currently lives in Missouri, USA with her husband, who is also a writer for the Lord.
She follows Christ, holding on to the truths presented in the Holy Bible. Rose writes a lot about those truths and how they impact us.
She began journaling regularly as a teen, having a need to express her thoughts, and also wanting to leave her mark in the world. Although she has a college degree in business, she feels driven to teach theology through counseling, mentoring, and writing.

  • A successful online weblog (via Livejournal) for 4 years
  • Published a fantasy, web-story called the "Sunshine Kingdom" 2002-2004
  • Became a Columnist for AnimeAngels Mangazine and published the articles, "What is Christian Anime?" and "Do you want a Revolution: What is so Revolutionary about Utena?" 2004
  • Became Managing Editor of AnimeAngels Mangazine 2004-2005
  • Wrote other articles (mostly for Christian teens), short stories and wrote website content for 3 starter sites 2003-2005
  • Published Beautiful Sun: Boy Craze (Christian modern fiction story) 2007