Saturday, January 5, 2008

Violet Eyes - the real review

Well y'know how I said Violet Eyes was SO GOOD? I was mistaken. It's okay. I mean it, the ending of a book can really steer how a reader sees the entire piece. Not to be an expert on the matter, I mean I am still a writer in progress. As a matter of fact, I hope that my work is more than naught. But really, if you see things the way I do, you'll probably want to read the sequel, Silver Eyes. I do want to read it. But also, if you see things the way I do, you'll probably think to yourself, "Wow if this book made it through the publishing process, Beautiful Sun should have no problem being successful."

Now don't get me wrong. The first 6 chapters of the book is very addicting. She does have a good hook. But there are just certain things that never meet together, besides the few (truly just a few) randomly placed sentences. I do have to admit, the whole thing with Wendy and Angel spending the night together, and the short conversation at the end of chapter 1 fit very nicely (once you've gotten thru chapter 12 or 13 it finally makes sense). But come on! If someone was super-human, perfectly intelligent - perfectly, how could a mere human match in smarts, wit or logic? Sometimes that really made me sick in the read of this book. It was like reading about how Superman was beat down by Billy Blanks or Hulk Hogan. I mean, in his day Hulk Hogan could've beat down most average guys because he was trained y'know. But honestly, he would've been no match for superhuman (alien actually) Superman. Even in his prime. Well I had this type of thought reading through those last chapters. Especially since I couldn't see anywhere how Michelangelo had shown any extraordinary intelligence (or extraordinary anything else) during the story.

One other thing that began to get on my nerves and I had to leave siding with Angel for 2 seconds and I sided with Mike on this - who could you believe? There was a lot of story cover up and I began to wonder, how do you trust anyone? Everyone was lying or had a hidden motive. I didn't know who to really believe, which I admit, made the mystery of the book very enticing. Yet, it got to a point where you began to wonder why were they doing what they were doing? Why did they care? They could've just escaped.

Overall, I still think it was a good book in an okay sort of way. If you are willing to suspend your belief in several instances and hold tightly to the loveable characters they are introduced as in chapters 1-7, you'll get through the book fine. The story is very varied which helps things to never get dull. And if you like mystery, it'll be all the more entertaining for you. But just don't get too comfortable with how the book begins because the setting and atmosphere created disappears and there is a change in the type of story you are reading. Which if it was a movie, I think would've been great. The plot is very well put together but yes, there are places where it seemed like the author forgot to say something so perhaps she was like "oh I'll just drop this here". lol - sounds like something I am guilty of doing a lot in my book too... but then again maybe not! It's hard for me to judge. So why don't you judge for me? DOWNLOAD STORY HERE.

Violet Eyes was certainly good enough to spark some thoughts in my mind about Boy Craze’s plot. Last entry I decided that my book is a fairly simple read with a pointed plot. Book 2 though could vary and include several storylines or at least one more. But I wasn’t sure what to do and I wanted to do something with Shawn. But I need help! Comment and let me know of some plot that would involve Shawn Tanaze. Perhaps one of you would give me something to go on; something that may very well change Book 2 back to a Shawn story! So Comment Comment Comment.

If I've sparked your interest about Violet Eyes by Nicole Luiken, you can probably find it at your local library or check out


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I'm totally broke right now, but when I go back to school and get my first paycheck I plan on buying one of your books. Later I'm going to buy a couple for friends.


Rose said...

Thanks Brittany!! I'm super glad you stopped by to support me. I will be posting more about the story, the purpose and characters in the next few weeks.