Wednesday, January 2, 2008

All Eyes on Beautiful Sun

Been reading Violet Eyes by Nicole Luiken. So GOOD!! But I really am ticked off at the unnecessary use of God's name starting somewhere around chapter 11, 12 or so. It's probably 4x's so far and I'm on chapter 16. There are only 19 chapters in the book. I figure, compared to my book, this books chapters are longer in general. Also, I was considering the story development. With Boy Craze, the story develops but I guess not extremely... it just ... continues.

While with VE, the story changes quite a bit and goes from the first few chapters of the main character, Angel, completely disliking her co-star to falling in love with him. Then (STOP READING HERE, MAYBE SOME GIVEAWAYS BUT I TRY TO STAY GENERAL) somehow they end up being teamed up for badminton, and soon we find out about the whole Sci-Fi aspect. After that we have some inclusion of a probable family disruption (well I guess that's at the same time). It goes to the escape and we get a turnabout in events, Sci-Fi becomes futuristic then twists more to include assassination. A calm, a kidnapping, Angel is now alone, but wittily gets everyone on her side. She flips the high school upside-down and we now understand how/why the town is a "museum". She gets captured, betrayal? and then...I don't know because I had to put it down for now. I'll finish it tomorrow but still, think of all of those lovely plot twists and turns. Though there is an occasional random sentence or illogical event, overall it's good. Now this makes me think of several things I should do with my books.

Boy Craze did not have a lot of back and forth or other plot lines that suddenly match up later on. It's a fairly simple read and pointed. Book 2 though could have more than 1 train of thought. The main train is the girl and the mother and Zion (HA! I AGAIN STAY GENERAL, WELL IT IS BOOK 2 :p MOST OF YOU HAVEN'T READ BOOK 1! SO GO READ IT, DOWNLOAD IT HERE). There could be a second train, I guess. What though? Hm, maybe the girl could be Saffire's grandmother!! Then there would have to be a reference to Saffire in the book and why the order went as such.
Personal note (since you don't know the characters): Somehow they could solve what happened to Mara as a child and stop her from being crazy, end the curse, or destroy the evil. But I may not do that. Hee... I know, I'm such a tease. Yet there are many things that could go on while the main storyline is moving. Perhaps...
Perhaps the mother could be an ancestor of Shawn!!
Yes, then mayhaps, Book 3 could be on Shawn, as I always wanted book 2 to be.

It is true, I wanted Book 2 of the series to be about Shawn from Book 1. Shawn Tanaze is introduced in chapter 9 of Boy Craze. He becomes the obstacle that I mention on the back of the book. He's a very arrogant but somehow, loveable character that just oozes self-seeking. However, there is a lot more to Shawn than I'm able to explain or show in book 1. So I wanted to give his story in book 1 and develop him further. But it changed because I just couldn't get my thoughts going on a plot that made sense and that I could write well. Hey, why don't you guys tell me plotlines about Shawn that you'd like to read!? That would be fun, and perhaps one of you would give me something to go on; something that may very well change Book 2 back to a Shawn story. O_O How awesome would that be? And more so, if I were to name YOU as the rhyme behind the reason! You cannot tell me that would not be cool. I want the series to be about the individual characters, not necessarily one flowing storyline. However, there could be a larger storyline that engulfs all the books. I haven't thought that far ahead at the moment, so any suggestions would be taken seriously.

Comment! Tell me your thoughts about the characters and if Book 2 should star Shawn Tanaze!

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